Moving Fast and Breaking Records
Hyperloop told by the EPFLoop Team

IEEE Student Branch of Brescia presents “Moving Fast and Breaking Records,” a webinair hosted by members of the EPFLoop Team.

We are pleased to introduce our speakers from the EPFLoop Hyperloop Team:

Moving Fast and Breaking Records

Since 2015, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, has been encouraging the development of the fifth type of transportation - after cars, trains, ships and planes: Hyperloop.
Hyperloop is a system of capsules pushed in a vacuum tube and capable of reaching speeds of 1200 km/h.
SpaceX has built a 1.2 km long test track capable of reaching very low pressures, and where new Hyperloop capsule concepts can be tested.
In 2015, the test track is made available to teams of students who design and build capsules, and the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition is announced.
The goal is to build pods, which meet the safety and performance criteria set by SpaceX and Tesla engineers.
The competition, held every year, sees thousands of teams apply to take part in the competition: only three teams pass the final selection, receiving the opportunity to launch their capsule on the test track.
The EPFLoop team, formed in September 2017 at EPFL with the intention of participating in this competition, managed to be among the three teams in the finals in both the 2018 and 2019 editions.
EPFLoop brings together doctoral, master’s and bachelor’s students from a wide variety of departments. The environment is highly innovative and multidisciplinary, allowing students to interact with top professors and companies.
In this seminar some members of the EPFLoop team will talk about the technical aspects (aerodynamic, mechanical and propulsion design, control systems and batteries) and the less technical ones (joys and labors) of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank Nicolò Riva, PhD, for being available and helping me in the organization of the seminar, but also for talking about the IEEE Brescia Student Branch to his colleagues!
Thanks also to Marco Milanesi who took care of the poster and who gave me a great help in publicizing the event! IEEE Student Branch of Brescia is waiting for you !

Credits for the description of the webinair to Nicolò Riva, PhD, currently PostDoc at Massachusetts Institute of Technolog. Check his Linkedin Profile
Credits for the creation of the poster to Marco Milanesi, student of Automation Engineering at Università degli Studi di Brescia. Check his Linkedin Profile

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