Pixel Detector Based System for Beam and Quality Monitoring in Hadron Therapy
ESIPAP 2023 - Final Project Proposal


Proton therapy allows to decrease the risk of side effects during treatment to 12%, compared to conventional radiotherapy.[1]
In this therapy most of the energy is deposited in a defined region where the tumor is located (known as the Bragg peak).With multiple Bragg peaks of protons, it’s possible to control the deposited dose through all the volume of the tumor. However, a small angle difference at the beam source increases the probability to hit the healthy tissues and organs.
To provide high spatial resolution and precise measurement of the proton beam position, an architecture based on three layers of semiconductor pixel detectors is proposed to increase beam control and reduce ghost tracks. Additionally, fast electronics and data acquisition technology must be used to record all the data accurately.
Studying materials and configurations for the pixels to monitor the beam, minimizing the side effects and maintaining the proton therapy treatment.


[1] Mohan, R., & Grosshans, D. (2017, January 15). Proton therapy - present and future. Advanced drug delivery reviews. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5303653/

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